

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 20. November bis zum 23. November

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Meine del.icio.us-Links vom 20. November bis zum 23. November:

  • Enigma Simulator - Use an Enigma on your Mac!
  • iP2F iP2F - is a plugin that makes it extremely easy to upload your pictures from iPhoto 2 Flickr. Shareware, 14,95$
  • Load OSX 10.5 Leopard on the eeePC -
  • Upside-Down-Ternet - Having fun with unknown WLAN-Clients…
  • WaterRoof - is an IPFW firewall frontend for Mac OS X with a easy interface and many options. Features include dynamic rules, bandwidth management, NAT configuration and port redirection, pre-defined rule sets and a wizard for easy configuration.
  • Spaces.. Spaces.. Spaces.. - The code will prevent the Dock from switching to a different space immediately after switching to a different application (using Command-Tab, for instance). The result is a (hopefully) more intuitive Spaces experience.
  • Top 10 Quicksilver Plug-ins -
  • HappyGirl - Have you ever needed to express your love every minute? If your beloved use computer you can install her this application that will articulate your feeling every now and then (even when you are absent).
