

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 20. Juni bis zum 7. Juli

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Meine del.icio.us-Links vom 20. Juni bis zum 7. Juli:

  • Poolga - iPhone and iPod Touch wallpapers for the rest of us.
  • Organized - a widget featuring a calendar with events, world clocks, notes and to do’s. The calendar and to do’s utilise OS X’s inbuilt databases, so they’re always in sync with iCal and Mail.
  • Today - is a powerful, easy to use event and task management application for Mac OS X Leopard. Shareware, $ 15.
  • Automating Rick Rolls with launchd - Lets face it: Your coworkers can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. What better way to remind them of this than automated Rick rolls?
  • Warehouse - Very nice looking, ruby based webinterface for subversion repositorys. Shareware, 30$…
  • Piston - is a utility that eases vendor branch management. This is similar to svn:externals, except you have a local copy of the files, which you can modify at will. As long as the changes are mergeable, you should have no problems.
  • Subversion Vendor Branches Howto -
  • Subversion With Mac OS X Tutorial - explains the basics from installing the software and getting started to working with other people on the same project.
  • puppet - Put simply, Puppet is a system for automating system administration tasks.
  • Bootstrapping an Infrastructure - Paper full of usefuful principles and hints on automated system deployment and maintenance.
  • FAI - Fully Automatic Installation - is an automated installation tool to install or deploy Debian GNU/Linux and other distributions on a bunch of different hosts or a Cluster.
  • cfengine.org - is an automated suite of programs for configuring and maintaining Unix-like computers.
  • Infrastructure Management - Mike Renfros has a nice linklist. Good overall introduction…
  • Rsync exit codes -
  • ssh-rekey - Shell scripts to automate the process of regenerating, propagating ssh keys.
  • Aquamacs: Emacs for Mac OS X - Based on GNU Emacs, Aquamacs integrates perfectly with OS X thanks to its specially adapted user interface.
  • Command Line Twitter Client - a very simple perl program that allows for posting to twitter, and reading your friends_timeline from twitter. It can initiate follow messages, and it can send direct messages.
  • 40+ Most Wanted Wordpress Tricks and Hacks -
  • Saberproject.de - die erste deutschen Internetseite mit deren Hilfe man die hohe Kunst des Lichtschwertkampfes erlernen kann… WJW
  • LaTeX: Grundlegendes für die Diplomarbeit - Hier sind einige Hilfen versammelt, die das Schreiben einer Diplomarbeit mit LaTeX vereinfachen wollen.
  • Diplomarbeit mit LaTeX - ist ein Dokument welches einen einfachen Einstieg in Latex unter Windows beschreibt.
  • Corripio - Multi Purpose Utility for iTunes…
