

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

The Bicycle Ride

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Eine Hommage an den ersten, 250(!) Mikrogramm schweren, LSD-Trip der Geschichte von Albert Hofmann: <a href=”http://www.normal-design.com/bicycle-ride.html” title=”David Normal’s “The Bicycle Ride” - An Animated Short Depicting Albert Hofmann’s Discovery of LSD”>David Normal’s “The Bicycle Ride”.

<a href=”http://www.normal-design.com/bicycle-ride.html” title=”David Normal’s “The Bicycle Ride” - An Animated Short Depicting Albert Hofmann’s Discovery of LSD”>Bycicleridehofmannlsd

Bei Youtube, bei Google Video und als Quicktime-Download (27,10 MB, 03:46 Minuten).

(via: netzpolitik.org)
