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QuickLinks vom 4. März bis zum 23. März

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Meine delicious.com-Links vom 4. März bis zum 23. März:

  • collectd - is a daemon which collects system performance statistics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for example in RRD files.
  • CSVed - is an easy and powerful CSV file editor, you can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any separator.
  • Simple Desktops - is a collection of desktop wallpapers curated by Tom Watson designed to make your computer beautiful without distraction.
  • Continuous Integration - is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. This article is a quick overview of Continuous Integration summarizing the technique and its current usage.
  • Ultimate solution to weird UTF character encoding problem - Due to different formats of storing characters in the database, sometimes you may encounter problem with strange characters (like —) appearing in your WordPress posts. This can especially happen when moving the site to a different server, a process during which your database needs to be exported and imported.
  • Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation - Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivation—but sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops. From Harvard Management Update.
  • smitten kitchen Recipe Index - Fearless cooking from a tiny kitchen in New York City with delicious photos…
  • Uniform - masks your standard form controls with custom themed controls. It works in sync with your real form elements to ensure accessibility and compatibility.
  • vi Complete Key Binding List - This is not intended as a tutorial. It is a reference on what every vi key binding does, followed by some useful vi tricks and tips. An expert will probably know most of these already, but an intermediate vi user will find valuable information, and even an expert may learn a thing or two.
  • Ephemera - will comfortably synchronize your ebook reader with Instapaper.com via USB. It works with the Amazon Kindle, Sony readers and pretty much any device capable of reading HTML, Mobipocket or EPUB files.
