

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 3. August bis zum 10. August

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Meine delicious.com-Links vom 3. August bis zum 10. August:

  • Elevation - is a free, open source route visualizer that renders personal GPS data in 3D space
  • BitlBee - brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients. It's a great solution for people who have an IRC client running all the time and don't want to run an additional MSN/AIM/whatever client.
  • Pay as you go sim with data Wiki - This wiki aims to collect information about pay as you go mobile phone plans from all over the world. Not just any plans though, they must include decent data rates, perfect for iPhone and Android smart phone travellers.
  • Improving your programming style with Python - Very nice Python Links and References, listed in order of difficulty.
  • A few git tips you didn't know about - Some very powerful white git magic…
  • Listary - is an excellent find-as-you-type search utility that makes searching items in large unmanageable lists of Windows applications a breeze.
  • shiftit - will let you resize and move your OSX windows without having to using a mouse. A lot like the snapping Windows 7 windows…
  • Bend - is a modern text editor. Bend takes off after the Zune client, but doesn't constrain itself to it. Find on page borrows from Apple Safari. Tabs are Google Chome inspired. This text editor aims to be elegant, clean and a pleasure to work in.
  • sonia - allows you to set up a dashboard with information that is important to you. Think Panic's Status Board.
