

just enough to get you started and leave you confused

QuickLinks vom 21. September bis zum 14. Oktober

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Meine pinboard.in-Links vom 21. September bis zum 14. Oktober:

  • Exposé - turns directories of image, video and text files into a website. It offers some rather sophisticated features-you can wrap captions around shapes in an image, generate timelapse and stop motion video from stills or apply filters to video-all controlled via simple YAML-formatted text files.
  • Lychee - is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.
  • Hack - is a typeface designed for source code. No frills. No gimmicks. Hack is hand groomed and optically balanced to be your go-to code face. Hack includes monospaced regular, bold, oblique, and bold oblique sets to cover all of your syntax highlighting needs. Over 1500 glyphs that include lovingly tuned expanded Latin, modern Greek, and Cyrillic character sets. Powerline glyphs are included in the regular set. Patching is not necessary. Install and go.
  • Amethyst - is a tiling window manager for OS X similar to xmonad, written in pure Objective-C.
  • wkhtmltopdf - and wkhtmltoimage are open source (LGPLv3) command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the Qt WebKit rendering engine. These run entirely “headless” and do not require a display or display service.
  • PDFjam - is a small collection of shell scripts which provide a simple interface to much of the functionality of the excellent pdfpages PDF file package (by Andreas Matthias) for pdfLaTeX. These scripts take one or more PDF files (and/or JPG/PNG graphics files) as input, and produce one or more PDF files as output. They are useful for joining files together, selecting pages, reducing several source pages onto one output page, etc., etc.
  • Hammerspoon - is a tool for powerful automation of OS X. At its core, Hammerspoon is just a bridge between the operating system and a Lua scripting engine. What gives Hammerspoon its power is a set of extensions that expose specific pieces of system functionality, to the user. You can write Lua code that interacts with OS X APIs for applications, windows, mouse pointers, filesystem objects, audio devices, batteries, screens, low-level keyboard/mouse events, clipboards, location services, wifi, and more.
  • Jaro Mail - is an integrated suite of interoperable tools to manage e-mail communication in a private and efficient way, without relying too much on on-line services, in fact encouraging users to store their email locally. Rather than reinventing the wheel, Jaro Mail reuses existing free and open source tools working since more than 10 years (and likely to exist for longer) and is mainly targeted to Apple/OSX and GNU/Linux desktop usage.
  • mdast - is a markdown processor powered by plugins. Lots of tests. Node, io.js, and the browser. 100% coverage. mdast is not just another markdown to HTML compiler. It can generate, and reformat, markdown too. It’s powered by plugins to do all kinds of things: validate your markdown, add links for GitHub references, or add a table of contents. The project contains both an extensive JavaScript API for parsing, modifying, and stringifying markdown, and a friendly Command Line Interface making it easy to validate, prepare, and compile markdown in a build step.
  • Fritzing - The Fritzing application is an Electronic Design Automation software with a low entry barrier, suited for the needs of makers and hobbyists. It offers a unique real-life “breadboard” view, and a parts library with many commonly used high-level components. Fritzing makes it very easy to communicate about circuits, as well as to turn them into PCB layouts ready for production. It is particularly popular among Arduino and Raspberry Pi users, and is widely used in education and creative tinkering.
